Territorial Times


A Publication Of The Prescott Corral

The TERRITORIAL TIMES was an occasional publication of the Prescott, Arizona, Corral of Westerners International, a non-profit organization dedicated to the study, preservation, promotion and dissemination of information with respect to the real history of the American West.

Volume I Number 1 of the TERRITORIAL TIMES was published in the fall of 2007. The final issue was published in the spring of 2016. Below you will find back issues of the TERRITORIAL TIMES (with the exception of #14) available on-line in PDF format. Print versions of these issues are no longer available.


Territorial Times Back Issues


For Members

  • Territorial Times
  • Gail Gardner CD

For Non-members

  • Territorial Times
  • Gail Gardner CD

By Mail:
Prescott Corral
P.O. Box 11086
Prescott, AZ 86304

Both TT & CD are also available in:

These outlets set their own prices.

(Note: A few Gail Gardner CDs may still be available at the Museums but they are no longer being produced)


The Territorial Times Editorial Committee

Al Bates

Al Bates


Fred Veil

Fred Veil

Bruce Fee

Bruce Fee

Jay Eby

Jay Eby

Brad Courtney

Brad Courtney

Andy Wallace

Andy Wallace