Sheriff's Notes

Message from Our Sheriff


Since this is the February Roundup, we are well into the new year. I wish you a blessed 2025.

Are you still upholding your resolutions? I personally think if you stay with resolutions until
January 10th, you are successful. If you are reading this Roundup at our January 9th
meeting, you are doing very well!

We closed out 2024 with a bang served up by the Rusty Pistols Reloaded and started this
new year with Brad and Doc Holliday, great beginning!

March will be our first month of 1880’s dress! Ladies, that gives you two months to take out
your sewing kit and produce a spectacular design or raid your closet and find something
beautiful. And gentlemen, it also gives you two months to dust off your frock coats and
string ties or ascots to be ready for the March meeting.

This is the last reminder for the 2025 dues. After this comes the dreaded phone call. I hate
making these phone calls so please do me a favor and pay your dues.

May your days this month be blessed.

Sheriff Penny
[email protected]



Wish List
  • Future Speakers Encouraged — We know you’re busy… that you’re involved in many other activities, and are exposed to a lot of presentations.  If you find one that might be good for our dinner meetings, let us know by contacting Sheriff Shelly.
Previous Posts

( a work in progress)
