Prescott Corral of Westerners International

Upcoming August Meeting

The next regular meeting of the Prescott Corral of Westerners is set for Thursday, August 1, 2024, at the Kuykendall Community Center (formerly Prescott Centennial Center), 1989 Clubhouse Drive near the E.A. Love Airfield.

Jen Bartos will present information and historic photographs of the clothing styles of the late 1860’s-early 1870’s worn by well-known Prescottonian women and men. She will discuss how styles changed, and how locals tried to follow the trends.

Jen Bartos, a 30+ year resident of Prescott, is a local business owner who has had a 40-year passion for antique clothing. She has a vast collection of women’s antique periodicals and is a coordinator for the Living History program at Sharlot Hall Museum. Jen has also transcribed all Prescott newspaper articles from March, 1864 through September, 1870.

Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and dinner begins at 6:15 p.m. Jen will begin her presentation at 7:00 p.m.  If you have any questions about the program, please contact Sheriff Shelly Dannatt at (515) 554-6049.


Western History Symposium

Annually, we host the Western History Symposium, a day-long series of interesting, provocative and informative talks and presentations from noted authors, researchers, historians and educators on a variety of subjects relevant to our western heritage. Now in our 21st year, the Symposium is free to the public. Check out the Symposium tab above for samples of past Symposium presentations (including links to some of the recorded talks), as well as information on the next Symposium.


The ROUNDUP, our club newsletter, is published and mailed to members around the middle of each month, and includes announcements of upcoming events. 

Territorial Times

The TERRITORIAL TIMES is a publication of the Prescott Corral, dealing mostly with Arizona territorial and early statehood history.

Western Symposium

The WESTERN HISTORY SYMPOSIUM is conducted annually by members of the Prescott Corral or Westerners International and invited speakers


If you are interested in Western history, you might be interested in membership in the Prescott Corral. Click link to download application or contact us for more information.