Sheriff's Notes

Message from Our Sheriff

Welcome to 2025, a new and special time.

First, thank you Sheriff Shelly for all you’ve done. In Shelly, we found an organized and effective sheriff with fun ideas for dismissing tables-remember fishing for your table number? She kept us on our toes. Her programs were carefully planned and very informative and enjoyable. She has left me big boots to fill as sheriff. We will not let her go quietly into the sunset, however. She will continue to write the Westerners articles in the Daily Courier and keep me on the straight and narrow, no small feat, believe me. With heartfelt thanks we say farewell to Sheriff Shelly.

This year we are in for a few surprises.

One winter month, we will be encouraged to dress as they did in the 1880’s, also one summer month too, so for those of you with special dresses and outfits this is your opportunity to wear them.

We will go to the newly refurbished Museum of Indigenous People for dinner and a tour.

We have some wonderful speakers lined up for you this year. We’re planning a very special Western History Symposium this summer focused on “The Seedy Side of Prescott”.

We encourage you to invite family members, neighbors and friends to join us.

If you have not renewed your membership for 2025, PLEASE do it NOW! 

Our February meeting should be a very interesting evening with Prescott’s own Gail Steiger-rancher, poet, singer, film maker, tracker and cowboy.


Sheriff Penny
[email protected]



Wish List
  • Future Speakers Encouraged — We know you’re busy… that you’re involved in many other activities, and are exposed to a lot of presentations.  If you find one that might be good for our dinner meetings, let us know by contacting Sheriff Shelly.
Previous Posts

( a work in progress)
